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ZF-1型三用紫外分析仪主要技术参数 :

型 号 外型尺寸mm 长×宽×高 主 要 配 置 重量(Kg)
ZF-1型三用紫外分析仪 280×265×300 波长:254、365nm,可见光,滤色片面积:200×50mm
ZF-3三用紫外分析仪 280×265×300 波长:365、365nm,可见光,滤色片面积:200×50mm


⑴ 在科学实验工作中检测,许多主要物质如蛋白质、核苷酸等。
⑵ 在药物生产和研究中,可用来检查激素生物碱,维生素等各种能;产生荧光药品质量,它特别适宜作薄层分析和纸层分析斑点和检测。
⑶ 在染料涂料橡胶、石油等化学行业中,测定各种荧光材料,荧光指示剂及添加剂,鉴别不同种类的原油和橡胶制品。
⑷ 纺织化学纤维中可测定不同种类的原材料。如羊毛,真丝人造纤维,棉花,合成纤维,并可检查成品质量。
⑸ 在粮油,蔬菜,食品部门,可用于检查毒素。(如黄曲霉素等)食品添加剂,变质的蔬菜、水果、可可豆舫、巧克力、脂肪、蜂蜜、糖蛋等的质量。
⑹ 在地质、考古等部门,可起到发现各种矿物质,判别文物化石的真伪。
⑺ 在公安部门可检查指痕测定密写字迹等。


This instrument consists of an ultraviolet lamp with the type of ZSZ-6-A and an ultraviolet lamp with the type of ZSZ-6-B and the filters.The lamp of ZSZ-6-A emits the light with short wavelength of 254nm and the lamp of ZSZ-6-B emits the light with long wavelength of 365nm. This instrument can also emit the two lights mixed with the wavelength mentioned above.
  Low power consumption.
  Low thermal effect caused at the parts of the instrument.
  The operation can run continually and be lasting for a long time.
  The most advantages are:
  The operation starts immediately when switch on.It is very convenient to switch on and switch off frequently optionally.
  Provides the intensive ultraviolet lights of 254 and 365nm for the fluorescent analysis by means of that the lights emitted from the ultraviolet lamps and the visible light is filtered by passing through the filters.
  ⑴ Detect various substances such as protein and nucleotide,etc,at the scientific experiment areas.
  ⑵ Examine the qualities of various medicines which can emit fluorescence at the medicines production and development such as hormone,alkaloid,vitamins,etc.This instrument is particularly suitable to undertake the spots analysis and detecting for thin-layer chromatography and paper chromatography.
  ⑶ Examine the various fluorescence emitting materials,fluorescence indicators and additives,distinguish the different crude oil and rubber products at the enterprises engaging in chemical products such as dyes,coating,rubber,petroleum,etc.
  ⑷ Examine the different raw and processed material such as wool,real silk,rayon, cotton,
synthetic fiber,etc and check the ouelities of their products at the areas engaging in textil chemistry fiber,development.
  ⑸ Check the toxin(such as flevacin),food additive,spoiled vegetables,fruits,ca-ca-os fat,
chocolate,fat,honey,sugar,eggs,etc at the departments engaging in food,oil and vegetables development.
  ⑹ Discover various minerals and distinguish the real of false for the histonical relics and fossils at the department of geology and archaeology.
  ⑺ Check the fingering trails and characters trails written in secret at the publis security bureau.

相关关键词检索:紫外透射仪 ZF-1

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