FC 1000-H便携式植物荧光成像系统|


FC 1000-H便携式植物荧光成像系统

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FC 1000-H便携式植物荧光成像系统


FC 1000-H便携式植物荧光成像系统

植物叶绿素荧光成像系统用于检测植物发出荧光的动态变化和空间分布,Kautsky效应过程、荧光淬灭及其它瞬时荧光过程(瞬变)都可被摄取,从而提供2维荧光图像,计算常规的荧光参数如F0, FM, FV, F0’, FM’, FV’, NPQ, ΦPSII, FV/FM, FV’/FM’, RFd, qN, qP等,这些荧光参数图像可用于研究植物的光合效率及果实的成熟过程,还可研究因病变、衰老、环境胁迫或突变造成的荧光变化。测量样品范围广,既可是叶片也可以是叶绿体或绿藻悬浮液。


便携式植物荧光成像系统用于叶片及小型植物野外及实验室研究(样品最大为3.5 x 3.5 cm),该系统由4组各25个超亮度发光二极管产生测量光、持续性光化学光及光化学饱和脉冲,用于检测荧光参数(F0, FM, FV, F0’, FM’, FV’)的异质性分布及NPQ, FV/FM, FV’/FM’, Rfd, qN, qP等。监测样品可以是植物叶片或片断、小型植物及附着在石头、土壤、木头上的藻类等。可以用密封的铅酸电池供电,从而方便地放进挎包内。有叶夹和三角架可供选配。具体配置包括CCD摄像头、发光二极管单元和测量室、电源适配器和电源线、软件、使用手册,备选件还有叶夹、便携电池包(包括电池)和多功能三角架。


1. 高端CCD摄像头,光波探测范围400 – 1000 nm;图像分辨率:12bit, 512x512像素(根据用户需要另有图象解析度达1392x1040可选);图像抓取速度(时间解析度):每秒50幅;F1.6变焦镜头4.5-10mm
2. 数据传输:USB2.0 口
3. 测量区域最大可达3.5x3.5cm;另有具叶室可与ADC、Licor等光合仪配套使用的标准配置面积最大可达2.5x2.5cm
4. 光源由四组发光二极管板产生,每个发光二极管板由25个红色LEDs (波长 = 630 nm)和白色LEDs(5500K)组成,IR(红外)735nm LED单元用于暗适应、Fo’及PAR测量等;测量光闪调制范围10μs - 100μs,光化学光达500μmol/m2.s,饱含脉冲光强度达3000μmol/m2.s
5. 可根据需要测量多种荧光参数达25个以上,用于Kautsky诱导效应、荧光淬灭、OJIP等
6. 根据客户需求可以附加用于与ADC等厂商光合仪配套使用的配件
7. 该系统的软件功能:
3.结合不同瞬间的荧光图像,通过数学操作,可以求出如FV, FV/FM, qP, qN, NPQ, Rfd等荧光参数

Handy FluorCam FC 1000-H

Handy FluorCam

Handy FluorCam is designed for kinetically resolved fluorescence imaging of leaves and small plants both in a field and laboratory. The typical size of an investigated object is smaller than 3 x 3 cm.

In all applications, the camera allows imaging of fluorescence transients that are induced by actinic light or by saturating flashes. The timing and amplitude of actinic irradiance are determined by user-defined protocols. The FluorCam software package includes a Wizard with the most frequently used experimental protocols. For an experienced professional, the software offers a sophisticated programming language that can be used for designing novel timing and measuring sequences. The essential features of the instrument are similar to the FluorCam closed version.

The Handy FluorCam is an easily portable system equipped with sealed lead acid batteries in a convenient bag carried on the shoulder, and has several useful accessories.

Handy FluorCam in a field experiment
Handy FluorCam in a Field Experiment


  • Screening for photosynthetic performance.
  • Heterogeneity investigation within a single plant or leaf, e.g., for infection, necrotic changes, senescence, abiotic stress.
  • Investigation for differences among many organisms, e.g., algal or cyanobacterial colonies, small plant canopies.
  • Growth and yield.

Experiments and Measured Parameters:

  • Quenching.
  • Kautsky induction.
  • QA reoxidation (needs optional accessories).
  • Measured parameters: Fo, FM, FV, Fo’, FM’, FV’, QY(II).
  • More than 50 calculated parameters: NPQ, FV/FM, FV’/FM’, Rfd, qN, qP, PAR-absorptivity, electron transport rate (ETR), and many others.

Handy FluorCam - Leaf Clip
Accessories - Leaf Clip

Standard Imaging Format:

  • 512 x 512 pixels.
  • A/D: 12 bit (4096 grey levels).
  • 8.2 µm x 8.4 µm pixel size.
  • 50 images per second.
  • Advantageous for rapid processes measurements.

Optional Imaging Format:

  • 640 x 480 pixels and 1392 x 1040 pixels, respectively.
  • A/D: 12 bit (4096 grey levels).
  • 6.45 µm x 6.45 µm pixel size.
  • 30 and 15 images per second, respectively.
  • Great for slow processes measurements and for applications where the higher spatial resolution is of high importance.

Wheat Leaf Image

Light Sources:

  • Four super bright LED light panels.
  • Panel size: 40 x 40 mm, each containing 25 LEDs.
  • Standard configuration: white light (actinic light and superpulse); red-orange light 617 nm (measuring flashes).
  • Measuring flash duration 10 µs - 250 µs.
  • Continuous actinic light adjustable in duration and power (up to 2,000 µmol(photons)/m².s).
  • Inquire for other color options.

FluorCam Software Window

NEW FluorCam 7.0 Software

  • Automated experimental protocols via a Windows Wizard.
  • Multiple (automatically repeated) experiments.
  • Automated labeling of individual plants, or samples, within the field of view.
  • Kinetic analysis of data from all samples within the field of view.
  • Numerous image manipulation tools.
  • Barcode reader support.
  • Export to Excel.
  • Windows 2000, XP, Vista compatible*.

* Windows 2000, Windows XP and Vista are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Handy FluorCam in a field experiment
Accessories - Tripod Stand

Battery Pack
Accessories - Battery Pack


  • Berger S. et al. (2006): J. Exp. Bot. 58 (4): 797-806.
  • Bartak M. et al. (2006): Ecophysiology 149 (4): 553-560.
  • Zabka M. et al. (2006): Mycopathologia 162 (1): 65-68.
  • Hajek J., Bartak M. and Dubova J. (2006): Biol. Plant. 50 (4): 624-634.
  • Matous K. et al. (2006): Photosynth. Res. 90 (2): 243-253.
  • Hogewoning S.W. and Harbinson J. (2007): J. Exp. Bot. 58 (3): 453-463.
  • Bartak M. et al. (2007): Polar Biol. 31 (1): 47-51.
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