FC 800-C封闭式植物荧光成像系统
AZ-800M系列叶绿素荧光成像系统用于检测植物发出荧光的动态变化和空间分布,Kautsky效应过程、荧光淬灭及其它瞬时荧光过程(瞬变)都可被摄取,从而提供2维荧光图像,测量计算常规的20多个荧光参数如F0, FM, FV, F0’, FM’, FV’, NPQ, ΦPSII, FV/FM, FV’/FM’, RFd, qN, qP等,这些荧光参数图像可用于研究植物的光合生理、优良品种筛选及果实的成熟过程等等,还可研究因病变、衰老、环境胁迫或突变造成的荧光变化。测量样品范围广,既可是单个叶绿体或单个细胞(用显微荧光成像系统),也可是小的冠层(用拱形三维植物荧光成像系统)或样带区域(区域植物荧光成像系统)。此外,荧光蛋白成像系统可以成像各种荧光蛋白发射荧光过程。
FC 800-C系列植物荧光成像系统采用用户自行设置的光照和测量时间,测量、记录叶绿素荧光成像。多个装有超强发光二极管板提供测量光源、持续性光化学光或强饱和脉冲(饱和光闪),以驱动光化学反应。荧光成像由高端CCD摄像机抓取,时间解析度达每秒50张,是目前世界上图象抓取速度最高的荧光成像系统,从而使植物叶绿素荧光瞬间动态变化的即时测量分析成为可能。
FC 800-C 封闭式植物荧光成像系统的核心组成部分是CCD镜头、4个发光二极管板环绕在样品室周边组成。CCD镜头每秒抓取50幅分辨率为12bit 或14bit的512x512像素的图象。图像与测量光闪同步记录并通过USB2.0接口传输给计算机或笔记本电脑。测量光闪、持续性光化学光由发光二极管板产生,均匀照射在直径8cm的圆形测量区域。饱含光闪(光脉冲)也由发光二极管产生。该系统用PC或笔记本电脑控制。其技术原理在Nedbal L. et al. 2000, Photosynth.Res. 66: 3-12, Nedbal L. and Whitmarsh J. 2002, Chlorophyll fluorescence imaging of leaves. In: "Chlorophyll fluorescence: A signature of photosynthesis", eds. Govindjee and Papageorgiou, G., Kluwer Academic Publishers, in press 有详细介绍。
1) CCD探测范围400 – 1000 nm
2) CCD镜头图像抓取速度达每秒50幅;图像分辨率:12bit, 512x512像素(根据用户需要另有图象解析度达1392x1040可选);目镜可变焦,F1.2/2.8-6mm
3) 数据传输:USB2.0口
4) 测量区域最大为13x13cm
5) 光源:标准配置由2个蓝色发光二极管板(每个发光二极管板由49个450nm LED)和2个红色发光二极管板(每个发光二极管板由420个630nm LED)组成,另有其它不同波长发光二极管可选
6) 测量光闪10μs - 100μs可调;光化学光可达3000μmol/m2.s;饱含光闪(脉冲)最大可达7500μmol/m2.s
7) 另有STF(Single Turnover Flash)可选,光强达80000μmol/m2.s,用于研究快速荧光动力学及QA再氧化动力学
8) 可根据需要测量多种荧光参数达25个以上,用于Kautsky诱导效应、荧光淬灭、OJIP、QA再氧化(需STF)、快速荧光诱导(1μs resolution,需STF)等
9) 样品可以是叶片、果实、小型植物或附着于枝条、石头上的绿藻等,也可以将样品放在多达384孔的多孔板或培养皿内进行测量成像分析
l 设置和修改实验规程,如控制时间、实验周期、光强和摄像机操作等
l 智能分割图像,显示所选图像的荧光动力学
l 软件包中设置了常规实验模块,熟练的专业人员可使用提供的编程语言设计各种测量时间和测量序列的程序
l 对选取对象的荧光参数产生图表
l 数据可输出到Excell
Closed FluorCam FC 800-C
Closed FluorCam represents a highly innovative, world-wide used system of multispectral kinetic fluorescence imaging. It consists of a CCD camera, four fixed LED panels and, optionally, of an 8-position filter wheel. The LED panels provide uniform irradiance over samples up to 13 x 13 cm – suitable for small plants, detached leaves, algal dilutions, etc. The system allows dark adaptation. The price includes a high-performance PC and comprehensive software package.
Experiments and Measured Parameters:
- Quenching.
- Kautsky induction.
- QA reoxidation (needs optional accessories).
- OJIP (needs optional accessories).
- Fast fluorescence induction with 1µs resolution (needs optional accessories).
- PAR absorptivity (needs optional accessories).
- Measured parameters: Fo, FM, FV, Fo’, FM’, FV’, QY(II).
- More than 50 calculated parameters: NPQ, FV/FM, FV’/FM’, Rfd, qN, qP, PAR-absorptivity, electron transport rate (ETR), and many others.
Images of More Than 50 Calculated Parameters in One Measurement
- Screening for photosynthetic performance.
- Stress resistance or susceptibility.
- Stomatal patchiness.
- Metabolic perturbations.
- Growth and yield.
- Leaves, plants, fruits, vegetables.
- Cyanobacteria, green algae.
- Sample size up to 13 cm x 13 cm.
- Imaging masks for 384-well plate, 96-well plate, Petri dish, etc.
- Selectable shelf system for different plant sizes.
- Dark room for adaptation.
Light Sources:
- Actinic light up to 3,000 µmol(photons)/m².s.
- Super pulse up to 7,500 µmol(photons)/m².s.
- STF - Single Turnover Flash.
- IR 735 nm (FAR).
- The FluorCam system includes four super bright LED panels.
- Two panels provide Measuring Light and Actinic Light 1 (red light 618 nm in a standard version). Two panels provide Actinic Light 2 and Saturating Pulse ( these two panels are mounted according to customer's needs in blue (455 nm), red (618 nm), or white color).
- Other wavelengths are available as option: 390 nm, 470 nm, 505 nm, 570 nm, 605 nm, 630 nm, 735 nm, and others.
- Additional light sources, mounted close to the camera stand or to the device side, may be provided, e.g., infra-red, ultra-violet, or green (optional).
- Variable excitation color.
Different Emission Bands:
- 8 position filter wheel (optional).
- Chlorophyll fluorescence (high pass 695 nm, low pass 780 nm), GFP (high pass 495, low pass 660 nm, band pass 505/560 nm), PAR (clear glass), YFP, CY3, CY5, as well as other fluorescence colors.
See: Closed FluorCam GFP Version for detection and imaging of GFP, red-shifted GFP, or blue-emitting protein variants.

Standard Imaging Format:
- 512 x 512 pixels.
- A/D: 12 bit (4096 grey levels).
- 8.2 µm x 8.4 µm pixel size.
- 50 images per second.
- Advantageous for rapid processes measurements.
Optional Imaging Format:
- 640 x 480 pixels and 1392 x 1040 pixels, respectively.
- A/D: 12 bit (4096 grey levels).
- 6.45 µm x 6.45 µm pixel size.
- 30 and 15 images per second, respectively.
- Great for slow processes measurements and for applications where the higher spatial resolution is of high importance.

FluorCam Software Window
NEW FluorCam 7.0 Software
- Automated experimental protocols via a Windows Wizard.
- Multiple (automatically repeated) experiments.
- Automated labeling of individual plants, or samples, within the field of view.
- Kinetic analysis of data from all samples within the field of view.
- Numerous image manipulation tools.
- Barcode reader support.
- Export to Excel.
- Windows 2000, XP, Vista compatible*.
Technical Specification:
- Fluorescence parameters
(F0, FM, FV, F0’, FM’, FV’, QY(II)), Abs PAR-value, or the parameters that are calculated from fluorescence emission (e.g., NPQ, FV/FM, FV’/FM’, Rfd, qN, qP), PAR-absorptivity, photosynthetic electron transport rate (PS), and others - Excitation light sources
360 nm, 390 nm, 450 nm, 470 nm, 505 nm, 570 nm, 605 nm, 630 nm, 735 nm, and others - Saturating pulses intensity:
Blue: Up to 6,000 µmol(photons)/m².s
Red: Up to 7,500 µmol(photons)/m².s
White: Up to 5,000 µmol(photons)/m².s - Actinic light intensity
Up to 3,000 µmol(photons)/m².s - Filter wheel
8 positions - Light regime
Static or dynamic (sinus form) - Actinic and saturating light
Variable timing, special language and scripts - Light regime
Static or dynamic (sinus form) - Custom defined protocols
Variable timing, special language and scripts - CCD detector wavelength range
400 – 1000 nm - CCD format
512 x 512, 640 x 480, 1392 x 1040 pixels - A/D bit resolution
12 bit - Spectral response
QE max at 540 nm (~70 %), 50 % roll-off at 400 nm and 650 nm - Read-out noise
Less than 12 electrons RMS - typically only 10 electrons - Full-well capacity
Greater than 70,000 electrons (unbinned) - Imaging frequency
50 frames per second - Bios
Upgradeable firmware - Communication port
USB 2.0 - Dimensions
480 x mm x 530 mm - Weight
40 kg - Electrical
90 – 240 V